Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Life styles

In Italy, soccer is the most popular sport. Fans go to stadiums or watch the matches on television. Italy’s national team has won the World Cup four times. To relax, Italians like to go to the beach, dances, or sporting events. The Italian food is tasty; who doesn’t like pizza? The Italian pizza has a thin crust and fewer toppings. Also, there is the delicious pasta with many kinds or the mostheight="25" popular food, the risotto and gnocchi.  The Italian people are crazy  about cheese; they have more than 500 kinds.  For the Italian kids, the schools are well prepared; in primary school they learn 2 languages, Italian and English. In junior high they learn another one , and education is taken very seriosly so they work hard. ( http://0-online.culturegrams.com.library.hct.ac.ae/kids/kids_country.php?contid=5&wmn=Europe&cid=25&cn=Italy )

Like the whole world, Egyptians like soccer and go to stadiums or watch it on TV and because they love it crazily it’s played everywhere, on sand or stone, it doesn’t matter. Foul, the popular daily meal in Egypt is made from lemon, spices and fava beans, People eat it by using pieces of bread. Meat is also important in their life, but it’s very expensive so they prefer vegetables and rice.
The poverty is a big obstacle in education. Although it is free, 50% of Egyptians can’t read or write. If they are from the countryside they work on their own farm. If they are poor and from the city, they work in low paying jobs. Rich people prefer to send kids to private school.( http://0-online.culturegrams.com.library.hct.ac.ae/kids/kids_country.php?contid=1&wmn=Africa&cid=15&cn=Egyp )

In contrast, play cricket in India and you’ll have takers. People play cricket all over the country. And they like to watch it. When India defeats its rival Pakistan, there are big celebrations with fireworks and music. Because of religion Hindus don’t eat beef; also Muslims don’t eat pork, and in the north most meals include roti and lentils. In the south they eat rice and it’s very spicy. Indian schools have uniforms; teachers are always called sir or madam, and also they study one more language. Many girls can’t attend school because they are expected to earn money for their families.( http://0-online.culturegrams.com.library.hct.ac.ae/kids/kids_country.php?contid=3&wmn=Asia&cid=58&cn=India )
356 words

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