Thursday, December 30, 2010

Global warming

There are many environmental problems facing the whole world. The global warming is one of the most critical issues that needs to be studied. So what’s the global warming? The global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. In particular, global warming is caused by natural causes and manmade causes. One natural cause is the release of methane gas from the arctic tundra and wet lands. Methane is a dangerous gas to our environment that keeps the heat in the atmosphere. The second cause is the change in the climate cycle each 40,000 years. On the other hand there are some manmade causes and they are the most harmful to our planet; one of them is the pollution. Burning fossil fuel is one cause of pollution. In addition, increasing population leads to global warming. How?  More population means more transportation which needs more burning of fossil fuel. Also population needs more food which means more agriculture and as a result it means more manure. Furthermore the balance between CO2 and O2 is affected as a result of population increase.(

So what are the consequences of the global warming? We can divide them into recent and future consequences. In terms of recent time effects, the global average sea level has risen because of the increase in ocean heat content and the decrease in snow covered areas .We personally cannot notice this because the rise is happening slowly; for example from 1880 to 2000 the sea level rose only 20 cm (see the graph). Also it affects plants and animals. "Birds are laying eggs earlier than usual, plants are flowering earlier and mammals are breaking hibernation sooner."

In future, it is expected that the level of global warming will increase and will accelerate the rise of sea level and as a result affect islands and coastal regions. In addition the change in the climate will cause extinction of some plants and animal species because some species cannot adapt to a new climate. However, it will be a chance for other species to come to live. Water resources will be also affected because global warming will dry up some water resources. Some underground water will be salt because of the increase in sea level. Not only this, but it will affect also the society. How? There will be hot weather related diseases. Floods and storms will increase and some poor people cannot cope with this.  

How can we face the global warming or at least how can we reduce its effects? I think we cannot prevent global warming totally, but together we can do something useful. For example we must take some political actions to improve energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy so less energy has to be produced. There is also a process called carbon sequestration which means storing the carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels underground so less CO2 will be in the atmosphere. In addition corporations and organizations (NGOs) can play an important role by educating people about the global warming and supporting research about this issue. We as individuals can also do something by having arable farming increase agriculture. In addition, we can take some action to reduce pollution by using hydro cars and using buses instead of cars.

As we see, global warming is a serious issue that is affecting us harmfully and expected effects are more dangerous. We can not stop it but we may reduce its consequences. I believe that our role is important but the most important role is related to local and national government because they have the authority to make decisions and force laws to save our environment.


National Geographic Society ( 2010 ). Global Warming Solutions. Retrieved 25-12-2010 from

National Geographic Society ( 2010 ). The Effects of Global Warming Retrieved 25-12-2010 from (2010). The Causes of Global Warming Retrieved 25-12-2010 from

Wikipedia (2009). Current sea level rise Retrieved 25-12-2010 from

661 words

Sunday, November 7, 2010


 The simple robots are machines that can do some human tasks or imitate some of the things that a person can do. Another type of robot is the mechanical devices that operate automatically. They can perform a wide variety of tasks; jobs that are repetitious and boring, difficult or too dangerous for people to perform. Industrial robots are a good way to complete routine tasks such as drilling, welding, and packaging. They are used in manufacturing, electronics assembly, and food processing. Robots word comes from the Czech word 'robota' that means drudgery. A typical robot completes its task by following a set of close instructions that tell it what and how the job is to be completed. These instructions are programmed and stored in the robot's control center. Robots come in different sizes and shapes. Few copy humans as is frequently depicted in science fiction. Most are stationary machines with a single arm that lifts or moves objects and uses tools. Engineers have also developed mobile robots with video cameras for sight and electronic sensors for touch. These new generation robots are controlled by both their stored instructions (software programs) and by feedback that they receive from the sensors. (

Robots have many uses for serving humans. Despite robots doing boring and dangerous jobs, they entertain people and make them enjoy their time.
Some robots are programmed to cook, wash, clean and tidy things at home which are very helpful for women. These kinds of robots are given orders that they are programmed to do. Of course you know that computer -based systems can play games, chess, poker and backgammon. But now they have been designed to play snooker and
to perform at a table tennis event. But some people say that robots are very slow and that they can't match the game at high speed.
Today much research is being undertaken into fast robots, fast enough for many tasks. One of the most incredible robots involved in entertainment is WABOT-2. This robot is able to do many things such as playing on the organ or a piano using his fingers and operate the pedals using his feet. He can also sight-read sheet music and supervise all the perceptual and motor processes with his sophisticated brain. Beside all this it can walk, hear and converse with human beings. ( )

Japan hopes to have full-scale marketing of service robots by 2025. Much technological research in Japan is led by Japanese government agencies. As robots become more advanced, eventually there may be a standard computer operating system designed mainly for robots. Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open-source set of programs being developed at Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Technical University of Munich, Germany, among others. ROS provides ways to program a robot's navigation and limbs regardless of the specific hardware involved. It also provides high-level commands for items like image recognition and even opening doors. It would relay this data to higher-level algorithms. Microsoft is also developing a "Windows for robots" system with its Robotics Developer Studio, which has been available since 2007. ( )


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Life styles

In Italy, soccer is the most popular sport. Fans go to stadiums or watch the matches on television. Italy’s national team has won the World Cup four times. To relax, Italians like to go to the beach, dances, or sporting events. The Italian food is tasty; who doesn’t like pizza? The Italian pizza has a thin crust and fewer toppings. Also, there is the delicious pasta with many kinds or the mostheight="25" popular food, the risotto and gnocchi.  The Italian people are crazy  about cheese; they have more than 500 kinds.  For the Italian kids, the schools are well prepared; in primary school they learn 2 languages, Italian and English. In junior high they learn another one , and education is taken very seriosly so they work hard. ( )

Like the whole world, Egyptians like soccer and go to stadiums or watch it on TV and because they love it crazily it’s played everywhere, on sand or stone, it doesn’t matter. Foul, the popular daily meal in Egypt is made from lemon, spices and fava beans, People eat it by using pieces of bread. Meat is also important in their life, but it’s very expensive so they prefer vegetables and rice.
The poverty is a big obstacle in education. Although it is free, 50% of Egyptians can’t read or write. If they are from the countryside they work on their own farm. If they are poor and from the city, they work in low paying jobs. Rich people prefer to send kids to private school.( )

In contrast, play cricket in India and you’ll have takers. People play cricket all over the country. And they like to watch it. When India defeats its rival Pakistan, there are big celebrations with fireworks and music. Because of religion Hindus don’t eat beef; also Muslims don’t eat pork, and in the north most meals include roti and lentils. In the south they eat rice and it’s very spicy. Indian schools have uniforms; teachers are always called sir or madam, and also they study one more language. Many girls can’t attend school because they are expected to earn money for their families.( )
356 words

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The SLS looks like an elegant grand tourer

Having a car with doors which open upwards, you will be attractive in the street . However you need to keep the doors opened if you are a midget or you should pay more to get a new option to get them closed.
This is the only disadvantage which the writer talks about. Now let's discuss the advantages. First of all, ride; compared to the CLK the ride is extremely smooth. The writer experienced the road with both cars. Unlike other cars of the same type,the SLS is designed in a way that makes it better to isolate the driver from the working of the engine using rubber,fur, and lightweight materials .
In addition leather and other luxuries make the SLS more like a grand tourer . Talking about the size, it’s 2 meters wide, making your passenger far away from you. Like other AMG cars the SLS is considered a very noisy car especailly on the angle and the colour. For example, from the back it looks rather wide.The SLS would cost at least €157,000 .This is for the basic car without a lot of options. The car which the writer drove cost €194,000 and that’s crazy because it’s the same price as an Aston Martin.

209 words
Jeremy Clarkson, Merceds SLE AMG, Top gear, Septemper 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Introduction

        My name is Mohammed Abdulla Albloushi , I am 18 years old and on  28th of September I will be 19 . I live in Baniyas city exactly in AlWathba east area but, after a few months I and my family will move to Khalifa B city to a new big villa, which is really very exciting.
       My father is 62 years old and he used to work in the army. He has retired nowadays. I have ten brothers and one sister and I am before the last one
        My ambition is to be an electronic engneer; because I prefer to work in this kind of area. I think it is really a very good opportunity for the Emirate nationals  because we do not have Emirates who specialize in this major that much. For that reason, I choose it and I hope to go through the course easily.

       My favorite wisdom is ''everything will be ok in the end : if it's not ok then it's not the end'' I think its a great wisdom to use it nowadays.